Web site re-design…

Well, after a solid week of designing, re-designing and tweeking along with a massive learning curve, I have posted my new web site. I am very happy with the results thus far. The site definitely reflects my work at the current time whereas before it was looking a little dated. As I had to rely on a friend of mine – Justin Pashley to complete the updates, it just became very non-representational after a while due to not wanting to bother him every 5 minutes. I originally designed the site around 4 years ago, so it was time for a change anyway, and Justin hand coded the site but I therefore had to take charge and learn how to update it myself. This has meant learning how to use ‘Dreamweaver’, it really isn’t as difficult as I had previously thought, although I certainly wouldn’t now describe myself as a ‘webmaster’. I still have a lot to learn and there are a few problems within the site that are baffling me. The two main ones being; One of the links, although it seems to work, it points directly to this ‘blog’ within the same window. It has been designed to open in a separate window following a ‘news’ page opening within the web site which contains a ‘roll-over’ button to link to this ‘blog’. Quite why it’s happening is at present beyond me, I have checked the link on every page and it is correct. It all works properly within ‘Dreamweaver’ and it’s internal web connection, so who knows??? Secondly, the site doesn’t work at all properly within ‘Internet Explorer’, this is a little more of a concern at the moment as so many people use it as a default browser. It opens, and links to the second page, but that’s about it, nothing else works. This is bizarre as it works in all the other web browsers that I have installed: ‘Safari’, ‘Firefox’, ‘Netscape’, ‘Opera’, ‘Mozilla’ and ‘Camino’. So yes, I am effing and blinding a bit.

Anyway, that’ll do for now, it’s getting late and to be honest, I need some time off, so tomorrow I’m not going to even turn my Mac on.

It’s off to University on Monday, I think everybody will be very shocked to see me after being away for a while, but hey-ho, circumstances and all that. Hopefully now I can get going with my Printmaking…

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